Lose Belly Fat

Belly fat is the most stubborn fat of the whole body. When you are trying to lose belly fat you should focus on your diet too. Because the diet is as important as exercise. It's an 80% diet and 20% exercise. No exercise can help you if you are eating unhealthy.

Cut out as many simple carbohydrates in your diet as possible. For example, sodas, sugary drinks, candy, and other dessert items.
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Eating more protein is a great long-term strategy to reduce belly fat

One study showed that the amount and quality of protein consumed were inversely related to fat in the belly. That is, people who ate more and better protein had much less belly fat

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Exercise is very effective at reducing belly fat

Exercise is important for various reasons.

It is among the best things you can do if you want to live a long, healthy life and avoid disease.

1. Bicycle crunches

Bicycle crunches are a very good belly fat burner. These are difficult to do at first but if you are doing this every day you'll learn to do them properly and fast. And you'll feel that burn in your abs.

2.Reverse crunches

Reverse crunches are also very effective for upper belly fat. Try to do 15–20 in a set and you'll feel that burn.

3. Leg extension crunch
Leg extension crunch is killer exercise for lower belly fat. It's also quite difficult at first but very effective. You'll feel your lower and while doing this.
4.Flutter kicks
Flutter kicks are also for lower body fat. These exercises will also strengthen your core area so keep pushing.
5.Russian twists
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The Russian twist is an exercise for your side belly fat. If you're a beginner then keep your feet at the ground and then slowly build your strength with time. You can also add weight for more good results.
6.Plank with hip dips
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This exercise is a little bit tough but it will help you to get rid of your side fat. And it'll strengthen your core muscles.
7.Heel touch
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Heel touch is also for your side fat. It's a very easy and effective exercise. Keep pushing.

Planks are very helpful in building core strength and toning your belly. Elbow plank target your whole belly area. Start from holding on to 30 sec and increase your plank duration with time. You can also add weight for more results.
9. Side plank
Side plank targets your side belly. It tones your side belly and gives you that perfect shape.
10. Cardio
Cardio is really important when you're trying to lose fat. So with exercises do some cardio too. You can do running, jogging, dancing, etc.
Keep pushing yourself and get rid of that stubborn belly fat.
